krritrim lat example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. is represented by a permanent observer to the International Civil Aviation Organization (O 2. It becomes part of the scientific community and a few months after he published his major work, analytical theory of heat, in 1822 became permanent secretary of the Academy of Sciences 3. It is also at this time appear the first permanent settlements, often fortified, urban type 4. It is created a permanent council summit, which now allows a "monitoring" political projects decided by these peaks 5. It is doubtful that they will have installed permanent settlements

Given are the examples of hindi word krritrim lat usage in english sentences. The examples of krritrim lat are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., permanent.

This is because when shops are in permanent buildings, they incur a lot of expenditure they have to pay rent, electricity, fees to the government.

Many of these are permanent shops, while others are roadside stalls such as that of the vegetable hawker, the fruit vendor, the mechanic, etc.
Later permanent name and symbol are given by a vote of IUPAC representatives from each country.
The permanent name might reflect the country (or state of the country) in which the element was discovered.
He had a genuine love for anyone he came across and his house was a permanent residence for dozens of near and far relations and acquaintances.
The Council has five permanent members – US, Russia, UK, France and China.
The permanent members, especially the US, contribute most of the money needed for the maintenance of the UN.
It means that the Council cannot take a decision if any permanent member says no to that decision.
What would you say about a country where some persons have a permanent position in the ministry and have the power to stop the decision of the entire parliament? Or a parliament where five per cent of the members hold a majority of votes? Would you call these democratic? Most of the global institutions fail to pass the simple test of democracy that we use for national governments.
The last one, known as the Uruguay Round, was the most comprehensive one in terms of coverage of issues, and also the lengthiest one from the point of view of duration of negotiations which lasted over a period of seven years from 1986 to 199 One of the key achievements of the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations was the decision to set up a permanent institution for looking after the promotion of free and fair trade amongst nations.
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